What's The Divine Right?

"God is man's supply, and that man can release through his spoken word, all that belongs to him by divine right."
- From the book - The Game of Life & How to Play It by Florence Scovel Shinn.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Are you a music lover?

A music director trio was on the TV the other day. The talk was truly enlightening. They endorsed certain things I was already feeling. Like, those who are into music are connected with a higher force; otherwise how is it possible for one of the best tunes of the year to come about in middle of a traffic jam? Many music composers have felt that their tunes just come to them from within - effortlessly. One of them who is a singer stated that when he performs; he starts, goes on and suddenly he is not 'there'!
There are millions and millions of tunes being churned out everyday. Why is it that certain tunes literally touch our souls? I found the answer in a mystic's words - that's because that music has come from a 'meditative mind'.
And why is it that some of us feel that such a tune has touched our souls? Because we are also connected to a higher level of energy. Ever wondered why we tend to close our eyes when we hear a beautiful piece of music? Keep wondering! I bet it's going to be a soulful experience.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

You owe it to yourself!

" You owe it to yourself to have a deep, penetrating look at what you are doing with your life. Is there any poetry in your heart? If it is not there, then don't waste time. Help your heart to weave and spin poetry." - OSHO
A dear friend wrote this startling quote on a small postcard and placed it alongwith the book - 'The Secret' while gifting it to me. This quote forces you to go into tremendous self-inquiry and contemplation. It is so important for all of us to look at our lives -in the face- as to what exactly we are doing with it - the most precious gift given to us by God!
Unless we are doing at least one thing that we passionately love to do creatively; there won't be any poerty in our lives. So go ahead - write that poerty, paint that portrait, sing that composition, dance to that beat, sculpt your own self - anything that your heart yearns to do. And you have weaves and spun a beatiful poerty into your life.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


We should never doubt the law of abundance working all the time in our lives. All the abundance of the whole world is ours to ask for. All these laws of attraction and the abundance fail to manifest in our lives because we have failed to focus on them.
There's web out there - a web of thoughts in forms of wishes, desires, doubts, jealousy, blessings, fear, anxiety and a whole lot of emotions being contructed every moment by all the creatures of the universe. It's made up of everyone's thoughts about themselves, about others, about the world and about all sorts of things under the Sun! This is absolutely unimaginable by human mind; but that's what it is all about!
All these thoughts from all over travel and get inter-mingled. It is a very big mistake to think that we may think anything about any person or about any issue and it will remain only in our mind and nobody will come to know about it. We are affecting the whole universe through our thoughts. It's a great responsibility of every individual to think only good thoughts because we can eradicate bad only through one weapon and that is by good thoughts.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Love is in the Air!

Discovered a different interpretation of the age old Valentine's Day slogan.

The element we take for granted the most is perheps - the air. It's everywhere, it's invisible. No living being can survive without it for more than a few minutes! We are alive because of it and it's the most forgettable for us!

Air is the element through which God expresses his Love for the whole universe - not only every moment but even between the gaps from one moment to another! Every breath that we take is our prayer. Let's be grateful every moment - if not for anything else than for the constant supply of Air!

Want to experience God? Be aware of the Air. Attend to the breath.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

My Poem

Let me first discover
that corner within;
which knows what it is -
To be happy for the self;
Then I would know -
How to give others
What they call 'happiness'.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The joy of creation

Sheer Delight!
The joy of creation is the purest of them all. The moments spent creatively are the ones truly lived- if you know how to capture them. I experienced immense joy while creating my blog.
A weekly forecast last month turned out to be a tremendous insight! The astrologer had cited two lines of a poem thus -
"If there's a green bough in your heart
The singing birds will surely come"
Further he stated - so the thing to do is to have that green bough, that is hope and eternal youth in your heart. This message has become my message of life.